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Art and Soul Short Shares

Writer: artsou5artsou5


T'Bshvat Tu B'Shvat The festival of the trees today falls on the same day as Martin Luther King Jr. Day. It seems like a great day for synergistic energy to join in love and caring to make our world a better, safer and happier place. For man is a tree of the field.” "Like a tree, we must constantly grow and bear fruit that will benefit those around us. And like little saplings, whatever we experience when we are young, will impact us deep into adulthood." Kintsugi

if you havent heard of the art of Kintsugi please look it up. It is such a beautiful concept concerning repairing broken items and restoring them to a state more precious and more beautiful than before. The same philosophy applies to repairing our own broken parts. We dont toss ourselfves out. We do the work. We make the repairs We emerge stronger , wiser and more beautiful.

I found it most fascinating.



will be at the Rockport Museum Aug 26 -            in the emerging artists exhibit

Mixed Media work is very exciting for me to create.  I photograph bouquets from my garden and collage them into my work.   Here are two of my favorite results!!  More to come!!

IDonated to Ronald McDonald House

passion faith love.jpg

            Passion, Faith Love

            Jacalope Restaurant

same roots..jpg


same     ands and roots

Helvetica Light is an easy-to-read font, with tall and narrow letters, that works well on almost every site.

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