1. Morning After 12x12 mixed media including acrylic skins
summer 2022
Hope resides deep within our Jewish Traditions. In this piece, the red paint is reminiscent of the blood over the doorposts and also represents our freedom to live our lives. Oftentimes, a fresh perspective appears after a good night’s sleep. Our faith reminds us to recite the prayer Modeh Ani thanking Hashem for the new day which is full of opportunity. The bluebird is there ready to sing it! The people prepare for an Exodus from slavery.
2. Hope Rises 20x24 mised media :paint, collage, Hebrew word Tikvah, pen and ink.
Summer 2022
Hope can be challenging, but its roots lie at the base of our traditions. Hope is likened to an anchor for our souls. In this piece, Hope makes up the legs of the stool where someone is riddled with grief. After she waits, prays and evaluates, she finds the strength and courage to spring toward action . “We find hope when we flee to G-d”Hebrews 6:18.
3. Recipe for HOPE 20x24 mixed media:acrylic college of my own work, pen and ink Summer 2022 . A Chabad Rabbi told me it was genetically encoded within me. My inner child dances freely as she remembers her Jewish essence. The Talmud and Torah’s wisdom lives intrinsically with me as I continue to seek truth and meaning in my life as a Jewish Artist. Hope contributes to happy chemistry and helps move my energy in an upward positive spiral. Hope inspires in me a desire to move forward, carry on and look for a bright outcome daily.